Engine-1 Used primarily for structure fires that are out of our city limits, as well as a secondary truck for structure fires within our city limits.
Engine-2 Used primarily for structure fires within our city limits, vehicle fires and a secondary truck for rescue situations, i.e., vehicle accidents and medical calls. It is also equiped with a combination spreader-cutter also known as the "jaws of life".

Rescue-3 Used for our First Responder Service, medical calls within our city limits, as well as vehicle accidents. This truck is equiped with hydraulic spreaders and cutters known as the "jaws of life".

Brush-9 1 of 4 trucks used for wildland fires (grassfires)

Brush-10 1 of 4 Trucks used for wildland fires.

Trucks Not Pictured
Brush-7 Used for wildland fires.
Rescue-6 Used for wildland fires.
Tanker 4 & 5 Both used for water transport.